Hi! I’m November.

Whether you want to finish writing your dream novel, get your words noticed, or grow your writer brand—I’m here to help!

What You’ll Find Here:

  • Free Writing Resources: Access the tools and tips that have helped thousands of writers finish their books and get them published.

  • Social Media Strategies for Writers: Utilize my proven strategies and build an online following that can't wait to read your next chapter.

  • Exclusive Writing Challenges and Contests: Participate in fun writing prompts and challenges to earn cash prizes & shoutouts!

  • “Following November’s advice has allowed me to make major strides in my own publishing journey (even as a mama to 5 busy kids!) and I will be releasing my debut novel soon, thanks to her encouragement and words of wisdom!”

    - Olivia M. (@oliviamccarthyauthor)

  • “November has given me the tools, the confidence, and the push I've needed to continue writing. She’s made me feel like I can actually finish a book after all.”

    - Zoe S. (@zoesallbooked)

  • “Every author needs a cheerleader and mentor—November is both! Drawing on her professional experiences and industry know-how, November knows books, and she knows writers too!”

    - Olivia M. (@oliviamccarthyauthor)

  • “I had no prior knowledge of the publishing industry and November gave so many great nuggets of information. I have already implemented many of her writing tips into my daily routine.”

    - B.A. Haggerty (@bahaggertyauthor)

  • “November provides shares not just a lot of information but relevant information that is actually helpful! I started to apply some of her advice and have already seen an uptick in engagement and growth on my Instagram!”

    - Justine (@beanareada)

  • “I've been struggling to find this time to post, and November’s booklet is already helping me batch content!”

    - Ellery F.

This is your creativity’s safe place.

Here, we’re not worried about how much everyone else is reading and writing. We’re focused on being our best creative selves, one word at a time.